Tuesday 10 January 2012

Raspberry Hot Sauce and my Favourite Dinner EVER

I have been getting adventurous lately, trying some new recipes. I tried a raspberry hot sauce once at the One of a Kind Christmas Show and it was amazing, and I've never been able to find it since. So I decided to try an interesting recipe that used leftover dill pickle juice. I won't bother posting the recipe because it was a dud, and it reinforced my 'don't measure just squirt' philosophy when it comes to do-it-yourself sauces like that.

(I get this from my Mom... when I asked her for her pancake recipe, she had to throw the items in a bowl, and then take it back out to measure it because she never followed a recipe.)

For example, my favourite dinner EVER is Braising Ribs. I've never come across this recipe anywhere else... so I have no idea if others make it, but it is the birthday dinner/special occasion dinner my Mom would make for me. To be honest, I'm sure the name should be Braised Ribs, but we always called it Braising Ribs. (Note: I just googled and it auto completed to Braising Ribs, but search results came up Braised Ribs)

Braising Ribs
Use one package of beef braising ribs (approx 4 strips of meaty short ribs)
One long squirt of ketchup (probably equivalent to 3/4 to 1 cup)
15 or so dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
A few spoonfuls of brown sugar (probably 1/3 cup)
Two spoonfuls of mustard (My mom always used yellow, but my husband had my try dijon and it worked worked out well)
A medium long squirt of HP Sauce (probably equivalent to 1/3 to 1/2 cup)

Mix with enough water to cover the meat in a casserole dish. Cover with tin foil (recommended over glass because of how messy it gets) and bake at 350 degrees for 3.5 to 4 hours.

I use this recipe to clean out the ends of bottles of the above items. Because the recipe calls for water to dilute these, you can swish it around to clean out the bottles. As you can imagine, it turns out a bit different every time.

Makes 3-4 Servings

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